Jane’s House Dedicated Leaders

Jane is my mother. For years I struggled with the anger of having a mother who was living in active addiction and making all of the poor choices that come along with that. I have been actively serving my community for the last few years through my home church and have felt the conviction for quite sometime to give mine and my moms’ pain purpose. I truly believe that if you can heal the mother you can heal the family and that is exactly what Jane’s House intends to do.
Vice President
I always say “Be the person you needed when you were a kid!” I am looking forward to being that person for countless women that come through Jane’s House. I am excited to assist families in their healing and reconnecting those relationships that were lost and damaged during active addiction.
I am the big sister, Jane’s oldest daughter. Looking back, I can only imagine how different our mom’s life could have been, if only she had access to desperately needed resources. I don’t want to see women suffer from a lack of resources anymore. I don’t want the children of addicts to go through what we went through anymore either. I look forward to Jane’s House being full of necessary resources and being everything that our mom needed, and seeing how that affects change in their families.
I am really looking forward to seeing the ripple affect caused by the goodness of Jane’s House in our community. I look forward to seeing the women heal and grow in a way they never thought possible. I am also excited about the education aspect that we have planned for Jane’s House. I truly believe if something like what we have planned for Jane’s House existed when our mom was struggling, that it would have changed her life!
Chair Person
I am Jane’s youngest daughter. Like my mother, I struggled with addiction for several years. I feel incredibly blessed that my sisters have taken both mine and our mothers pain and are trying to turn it into something great. God willing, June 2025 I will celebrate 3 years sober. I bring my unique understanding of substance use disorders and recovery to the table. I understand the “why” of addiction. But, I also understand the “why” and “how” of sobriety. I look forward to developing relationships with the women who come through the doors of Jane’s House!

Ready to get involved with Jane’s House?
Make a difference today!
Jane’s House is a registered 501(c)(3),
all donations are tax deductible.
Please note: Jane’s House is still in the fundraising stage and is not yet accepting applications for sober living residents. If you’re looking for help now, please click below for a thorough list of local resources for a variety of needs, provided by another local nonprofit organization- Sacred Spaces of CARE.